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Online Mentoring Sessions are once again available!


These are designed to give you a one-hour of 1:1 session to discuss any topics or professional issues you would like to explore PLUS access to the Online Members Library!


Upon purchase, you will receive a booking form, which will ask you questions that will help me specifically tailor the session to your personal needs, and will give you the opportunity to choose the time & date of your session.


The one-hour session includes:

  • 1:1 peer supervision/mentoring on specific topics you wish to discuss.
  • Access to my personal resource library, with over 1000 FREE resources at your disposal (you are able to keep access to this library after the session has ended).
  • An email summary of follow up recommendations that I believe would be beneficial to your specific needs/interests. This may include recommendations for books/manuals, professional development courses to complete, articles to read, or tasks you could do to help you in your chosen area. I will personally set these tasks for you.
  • x2 opportunities to email me with follow up questions after the session has ended.
  • A discount code on future sessions (please note, this only applies if you purchased your session at FULL price).


Please Note: Bookings are required to be made within 6 months. 48 hours is required to re-schedule the session, and there is no refund on cancellations (In the case of extenuating circumstances, the situation will be considered and a mutually beneficial resolution will be organised where possible).

Online Mentoring Session

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